The 2019 Critical Infrastructure Security Forum welcomes ICS users, vendors, system security providers, utility and government representatives that will discuss the latest cyber-incidents, analyze their causes and collaborate on solutions.
Join DataEndure’s CTO, Shahin Pirooz, for a presentation on how to achieve a defense in depth strategy against today’s attackers.
Enemy at the Gate: How Many Layers Does it take to Fortify the Modern Day Castle?
There is a fundamental expectation that agencies will have the ability to identify and respond to any cyber-event. Amidst the added responsibility and heightened expectations, technology leaders are in a valiant fight to keep up. Medieval lords lived in an environment much like our cyber-landscape today — chaotic, with their fiefdoms under constant attack. While today’s attackers operate with digital swords, the principle and effectiveness of a Defense in Depth approach holds as true today as it did back then.