Without an effective cybersecurity threat detection and response (TDR) strategy in place, organizations put themselves at risk of severe disruption or even destruction when cyberattacks happen. It is a matter of when, not if—in 2022 alone, 76% of survey respondents experienced an attempted ransomware attack, with 64% experiencing a compromise. And word that you’re an easy mark spreads fast. Over two-thirds of those compromised experienced subsequent, multiple attacks. Plus, this… Read More
Why is Email Security Important?
When it comes to threat detection and response, statistics from 2022 and into 2023 emphasize the growing challenge organizations—and the cybersecurity industry—have in terms of “people-proofing” attack vectors. Cybercriminals capitalize on stolen credentials, privilege misuse, and human error, and they apply well-orchestrated social engineering tactics on their victims. 93% of successful cyberattacks start with a phishing email. Indeed, business email compromise (BEC) and pretexting has doubled in just one year…. Read More