Kirstin Burke: Welcome to DataEndure’s February TECH talk. I’m Kirstin Burke, and I am delighted to be joined by our director of networking and client network architect Ross Rehart. Hello, Ross. Ross Rehart: Good morning, Kirstin. How are you? Kirstin Burke: Awesome. I’m awesome. And for those who are not as intimately familiar with you as we are, Ross is an industry veteran, and a veteran all baked into one… Read More
Jan 2024 TECH Talk – Cybersecurity in the Fast Lane
Kirstin Burke: Welcome to DataEndure’s first TECH talk of 2024. Shahin Pirooz: My God, it is the first one. Kirstin Burke: It is the first one. Shahin Pirooz: Wow. Kirstin Burke: ’24 marks a very special time for DataEndure, it is our 40th anniversary. Before we get going, happy anniversary. Shahin Pirooz: Happy anniversary. Kirstin Burke: Happy anniversary. Shahin Pirooz: And thank you all for the support. Kirstin Burke: Yes,… Read More
2023 Cybersecurity Highlights – TECH Talk Year in Review
It only takes 1-click… Shahin Pirooz: You’re one of two kinds of companies. You’ve either been hacked or you’re going to be hacked. And we keep saying that. In the industry, we keep repeating those same things. It’s not a matter of “if.” It’s a matter of “when.” And the facts are you need to, number one, be prepared. But number two, make sure your staff and employees and individuals… Read More
Nov. 2023 TECH Talk – Users Can’t Be Your First Line of Defense
Shahin Pirooz: We often say internally and to our customers that security is everybody’s job. It’s not just the job of IT. It’s not just the job of the security team. But we also have a conflicting position on that. We say that don’t make your users be your first line of defense. It sounds like it’s kind of contradictory and conflicting. But in reality, there are first lines of… Read More
Oct. 2023 TECH Talk – Data Exposure from Open Directory Listings
Kristin Burke: We have a really interesting topic this month. I know when you think about clicks and clickbait, you want to come up with the sexy headlines and the sexy topics on cybersecurity. It’s in the nitty-gritty where all sorts of bad things happen. What we’re talking about this month is relevant. It’s about open directory listings and just the data exposure risks around open directory listings. I got… Read More
Sept. 2023 TECH Talk – MGM Breach: Preparing for the Inevitable
Kirstin Burke: Well, thank you for joining us. We are going to hop onto a topic that I know a lot of people are talking about right now, which is the MGM breach or attack that happened last week and that I think they’re still trying to shake out. We’re going to take a look at it from a different angle as our organization processed what was going on as… Read More
August 2023 TECH Talk – Small Steps, Big Protection
Kirstin Burke: I am delighted to introduce Brian Moody, who is DataEndure’s Vice President of Managed Security Services, or Managed Security Services practice. Super excited to have you here, Brian. Welcome. Brian Moody: Thank you. Kirstin Burke: You’re in the hot seat. Brian Moody: It’s red. Kirstin Burke: Yes, yes, for a reason. No, thank you for joining us. I hope you all have had a great summer. We titled… Read More
July 2023 TECH Talk Transcript – Unintentional Insider Threat: Is ChatGPT a Friend or Foe?
Kirstin Burke: So today we’re going to be talking about, I would say, old threat in terms of insider threats, things people have struggled with for a long time. But layered on top of that is a new factor, which is ChatGPT. Everyone’s using it in some form or fashion, whether you’re an individual maybe trying to help you do travel plans, whether you are someone looking for it to… Read More
June 2023 TECH Talk Transcript – Why Email Security is Falling Behind
Kirstin Burke (00:00): Hello, and welcome to our June version of Tech Talk. I am Kirstin Burke, and I am here with Shahin Pirooz as always. Hello, Shahin. Shahin Pirooz (00:12): Hello! I can’t believe it’s June already. Kirstin Burke (00:14): I was gonna say it’s not June already. It’s July in a few days. Shahin Pirooz (00:17) I know, but when you said June, I was like, wait, what?… Read More
May 2023 TECH Talk Transcript – Why Layered Defense is Critical for Effective Cybersecurity
Kirstin Burke: Hello, and thank you for joining us! Today, we’ll talk about getting “beyond the basics” of layered security and why it’s important – recent studies show in 2022 76% of organizations were targeted by a ransomware attack; out of which 64% were actually infected. Only 50% of those organizations managed to retrieve their data after paying the ransom. Additionally, over 66% reported to have multiple, isolated infections. Shahin… Read More