Welcome everyone to DataEndure’s final TECH Talk of 2021. I am Kirstin Burke, and I’m delighted today to be joined by a guest, Brian Moody, who is our Vice President of Managed Security Services. We’re just delighted to have you here today, Brian, to share some of your insights. So welcome. Thank you. Looking forward to our conversation. Yes. At the end of the year, you’re either reflecting or planning,… Read More
October 2021 TECH talk Transcript
Of course, as close as we are to Halloween, we had to incorporate the theme of the holiday in our TECH Talk today. I’m joined as always, by Shahin Pirooz, DataEndure’s CISO and chief technology officer. Hello Shahin. Hello, I’m out in the field, as you can see. Just watch your back. That’s all I have to say. But, honestly, joking in place and aside, we do have adversaries who… Read More
September 2021 TECH talk Transcript
Hello, everybody. Welcome to DataEndure’s September TECH Talk. We’re delighted to have you all here. I am Kirstin Burke, and I am joined as always by Shahin Pirooz, DataEndure’s Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer. Welcome Shahin. Thank you. Great to be here again. Great to see you. In front of my brick wall. Yeah. Welcome. We are delighted to have you all here this month and actually… Read More
August 2021 TECH talk Transcript
This month we are timing this TECH Talk around the recent release of Ponemon’s Annual Cost of a Data Breach survey. It’s something they’ve done for, I believe the past 17 or so years. And it’s something that we take a look at just to inspect and stand up against our market experience and see if there are any learnings. And this is the second year they have factored in… Read More
July 2021 TECH talk Transcript
Hello, and welcome to DataEndure’s TECH talk. First and foremost, I am delighted to see you in person. I know, it’s crazy. It’s been a long time. You’ve been seeing us on Zoom screens, and we’re just so delighted to be joining you truly live for the TECH talk this month. So welcome. Welcome Shahin. Thank you. It’s so good to be here. It’s exciting. While it’s fun trying to… Read More
June 2021 TECH talk Transcript
Hello, and thank you for joining DataEndure for our June TECH talk session. As always, I am joined by Shahin Pirooz. I am Kirstin Burke. And we are absolutely delighted today to be joined by John Thompson, who is the global CIO of Reiter Affiliated Companies, better known as RAC. Welcome John. Thank you, Kirstin. It’s nice to be here. Nice to chat with you and Shahin again. Good to… Read More
April 2021 TECH talk Transcript
We promoted this event as an outpouring of an internal conversation we had, but also some conversations that we have with our clients. We had a tongue-in-cheek request from one of our leaders for a glossary, an internal glossary to help us weed through all of the different acronyms that we use in our business. And, funny, ha, ha, but really when you take a look at being on the… Read More
March 2021 TECH talk Transcript
We are absolutely delighted today to welcome Tamar June, who is the CEO of AssurX. And she has a very compelling story. She is in a very – organization is the very high profile market. They are helping organizations with their compliance and regulatory issues. And we want to talk to her today just about what she’s facing as the provider of these services, what she’s seeing her customers go… Read More
February 2021 TECH talk Transcript
Hello, and welcome to DataEndure’s February TECH Talk. I am Kirstin Burke, joined as always by Shahin Pirooz, DataEndure’s Chief Technology Officer. And we are absolutely delighted today to welcome Tamar June, who is the CEO of AssurX. And she has a very compelling story. She is in a very – organization is the very high profile market. They are helping organizations with their compliance and regulatory issues. And we… Read More
November 2020 TECH talk Transcript
First off, cheers, and thank you everyone for joining us. Looking forward to today’s conversation, especially the wine and cheese part of it. But before we do that, we want to talk a little bit about what we’re doing for cybersecurity. But before I do, I want to introduce Bill Diekmann, who’s the Director of Security and Architecture at one of our customers, Cupertino Electric. Bill’s effectively the CSO there…. Read More